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School Nurse

Click here to access the Trumbull Public Schools Health Services Information Page

Our nurse, Marie Ely, R. N., is a skilled and caring nurse who performs the following to ensure the health of our students:

  • Vision and hearing screening, performed yearly

  • Color deficiency screening, in kindergarten

  • Scoliosis screening

  • Immediate care of the sick and injured

  • Administration of medication only upon authorization of a physician

  • Administration of first aid in emergency situations

  • Enforcement of communicable disease control measures

Clothing Changes in backpack

I am requesting that you place a change of clothing in your child’s backpack in the event your child’s clothing becomes unwearable during the school day. Accidents have been known to occur: wet pants or mud or pasta sauce or spilled milk… it happens. If you could please place a t-shirt, shorts or sweat pants, and a pair of socks in a plastic bag and place it in a little used compartment in your child’s backpack it will enable your child to have what they need in the event of a clothing “emergency”.

I have a very limited supply of clothing in the nurse’s office, and without fail I never have the right size at the right time. Also, many of the children are reluctant to wear “someone else’s” clothing.

Thanking you in advance for your support and cooperation!

Please click here to read a letter from Nurse Ely regarding information about Lice (i.e. basic information, how to prevent the spread of it, what to do if you have, etc.)  - Posted 8/30/16

Please click here to read an article from Nurse Ely called "All About Sleep" and the guidelines for school aged children.  (Posted 8/30/2015)


Based on policy changes, effective immediately we will only use non-edible treats for birthday celebrations, classroom rewards and incentives.   In the event of a curriculum-aligned activity or celebration where food will be served, parents/guardians of a student with known food allergies will be informed. Only the parent/ guardian may determine if a food item is safe. The parent/guardian may provide alternative food items for their child.  

Should you have any questions, please contact us at (203) 452-4388.   Thank you for helping to keep all our students safe!

In addition, please read the following documents about food allergies at school, including permission forms for students and parents, thank you.

Trumbull BOE Food Allergy Policy, approved August 19, 2014

TPS Food Allergy Celebrate permission

TPS Food Allergy Celebration form

TPS Food Allergy emergency form



There has been a recall on Epi Pens and Ventolin Inhalers.  Please click here for more information.


According to state law, medication cannot be given to any child without written authorization from both the parent/guardian and the physician. This includes, but is not limited to, aspirin, Tylenol, antibiotics, nasal sprays, and topical skin preparations. Medication forms are available at the nurse's office. A parent/guardian may administer medication to his/her child. In this case, please report to the main office and your child will be called out of his/her class. Please remember:

  • Please bring medication, in its original container, to the nurse's office in the morning with the authorization form signed by both the parent/guardian and the physician. STUDENTS MAY NOT CARRY MEDICATION TO SCHOOL.

  • Medication should be properly labeled, in the original container, with the child's name, name of medication, time and amount to be given. The pharmacy will generally provide for two containers if told that medication will be dispensed at school.

  • If your child suffers from asthma or severe allergies (e.g., bees), it is strongly recommended that medication be kept in the nurse's office to be used by your child as needed. Students should not carry or self-administer medication.


The following are suggested guidelines for the protection of the health of your child as well as all other children in school:

  • If your child is ill during the night or complains of stomach pain, nausea, vomiting or headaches in the morning, please DO NOT send him/her to school to see the nurse. Keep him/her home. A student with fever should remain at home at least 24 hours after the temperature has returned to normal. If you wish to discuss his/her health with the nurse, you may telephone her at 452-4389.

  • The school nurse (or in her absence, the principal or lead teacher) may administer medication to a student ONLY with the written authorization of the attending physician and the written permission of the child's parent/guardian. Under no circumstances will exceptions be made.

  • If you expect your child to be absent from school for 3 or more days, please notify the school nurse by phone or send in a note stating the cause.

  • Injuries that occur at home cannot be taken care of by the school nurse.

  • All students are required to be immunized against polio, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella, and hemofluous influenza B (HIB). In addition, children born after January 1, 1994 must have 3 doses of the hepatitis B vaccine. Also, children born after January 1, 1997 must show proof of immunity to chicken pox, either by immunization or by having had the disease as documented by a physician. A student may be exempt from the requirement if he/she presents a certificate from a physician certifying that such would not be prudent because of health reasons or that such would be contrary to the religious beliefs of the student.

If your child should have a communicable disease, please follow the instructions below. Other children of the family may attend school:



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